Troy Nelson hosts NAVVI's Kristin and Brad in the KEXP Live Room for a performance of four songs and a conversation about their writing and recording process, Zelda, and Kristin's corgi.
PHOTO BY carlos cruz (view set)
written by Isabel Khalili

Seattle duo NAVVI used their latest record, 2502, as an exercise in trusting their creative instincts. Recorded in the span of one week at a remote cabin, the result is a continuous, hypnotic mix of house rhythms and ethereal vocals.

Troy Nelson hosts NAVVI's Kristin and Brad in the KEXP Live Room for a performance of four songs and a conversation about their writing and recording process, Zelda, and Kristin's corgi.

Recorded 10/29/2019

  1. Human
  2. Dopamine
  3. Sampaguita
  4. Human Highlight Reel

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